For content managers

This documentation reflects how Airtable is configured to manage the content. Once your Airtable base is set up, you don’t need to be a developer to update content.

If you don’t want to use Airtable to manage your content, that’s possible, too. The following steps won’t apply if you don’t use Airtable.

  1. Locate the text or hyperlink you want to change in the app
  2. Copy the text to the clipboard
  3. Look at the table below to determine which table and column you should make your change in. Click the link to the table.
  4. In Airtable do a ctrl+f (Windows) or command+f (Mac) search on the page, and paste in the text you copied
  5. Locate the row that contains the text you want to change
  6. Enter in your new text in the English and French columns
Text you want to change Table English Column Name French Column Name
Benefit name benefits benefitNameEn benefitNameFr
one line description benefits oneLineDescriptionEn oneLineDescriptionFr
Learn more link benefits benefitPageEn benefitPageFr
important info in card header benefits noteEn noteFr
see more content description benefits seeMoreSentenceEn seeMoreSentenceFr
question text in benefits-directory questions display_text_english display_text_french
question text in guided experience questions guided_experience_english guided_experience_french
guided experience page title questions guided_experience_page_title_english guided_experience_page_title_french
question tooltip text questions tooltip_english tooltip_french
multiple choice option text multipleChoiceOptions display_text_english display_text_french
guided experience breadcrumb/link text multipleChoiceOptions ge_breadcrumb_english ge_breadcrumb_french
Checkbox options in guided experience and benefits-directory needs nameEn nameFr
All other text translations English French

Changing the eligibility criteria for a benefit

  1. Navigate to the benefitEligibility table
  2. Each path is represented by values within columns which correspond to the questions in the questions table. The values which fill these columns correspond to values in the multipleChoiceOptions table.
  3. Create a new row and add the benefit and the eligibility criteria.
  4. If you wish to remove an eligibility path from a benefit, delete the corresponding row in the table.

Adding a category (aka need or checkbox question), associating it with a benefit

  1. Navigate to the needs table
  2. Add a new row at the bottom and give the category an english name and french name
  3. Select the cell under the benefits column and click +
  4. Start typing the names of the benefits you want the category to be associated with

To change the benefits associated with an existing category, click the “expand” icon on the right of the cell and then you will have the option to either unlink existing records or link new ones.

How to add multiple choice question and answers

  1. Navigate to the questions table
  2. Add a new row at the bottom, and give it a variable_name that describes the question (The multiple choice questions are ordered according to their order in the questions table, the needs checkbox question is always at the bottom).
  3. Fill in the following french and english content: question text that will appear in benefits-directory, question text in guided experience, and guided experience page title. The french/english column names can be found in the table above.
  4. Then navigate to the multipleChoiceOptions table
  5. Add a new row for each multiple choice option you would like to appear under the new question.
  6. Give each option a variable_name that describes it, as well as the english/french text the user will see, and the blue breadcrumb text within the guided experience (see table above for column names).
  7. Select each “linked_question” cell, click +, and type/select the question variable_name you added in step 2.
  8. To see your question displayed in the app, follow the steps for adding a new eligibility path that links to your new question. A question is only displayed if its answer effects the list of eligible benefits.
  9. A developer will now need to add another page under pages/ for your question. An existing question page, such as patronAge.js can be used as a template. Before the new page is added, the app will crash when you attempt to answer the initial questions. However, you can still test your changes on the benefits directory page.