
Find benefits and services can be divided into three elements: the guided experience, the benefits directory, and information for next steps. Note that the entire product is configurable and you can pick and choose which elements suit your needs.

The guided experience

View the guided experience.


When people first arrive on the product they are guided through a series of questions that will narrow down the list of benefits. This helps avoid information overload.

The questions that appear are configurable to be dependent on previous answers, so different people can navigate down different paths.


The last part of the guided experience is an opportunity for people to select categories of benefits that interest them. This further narrows down the results.

Benefits directory

View the benefits directory.

Searching benefits

People can search for benefits by name or description to quickly surface the benefit that meets their needs.

Sorting benefits

The product admin can define the order in which benefits appear, so people are seeing the most relevant benefits first.

Saving benefits

Without logging in, people can curate a list of relevant benefits to save for later. This is done using cookies in the browser.

Discover associated benefits

If your benefits have associations; i.e., if someone is eligible for one benefit then they’re automatically eligible for another, then the associated benefits can be listed together. People don’t need to make the connection between the two themselves.

Next steps

View the next steps.

Next steps information

Underneath the list of benefits is a list of next steps that people might want to take. This sets expectations and provides guidance on what to do next. Different next steps can be configured to appear based on the guided experience path.

Printing the page

When people print the benefit directory, the printed page includes the selected filters, benefits, and additional contact information that can be configured to match your organisation.